Where to get X Window System for A/UX?

John Sambrook gandalf at entropy.ms.washington.edu
Wed Apr 6 03:31:59 AEST 1988

We have a Mac II running A/UX in the lab for evaluation.  We can keep
the A/UX kit for about two weeks.  I'd like to get a copy of X up on it
for evaluation.  While 11.2 would be best, I'd settle for 10.4.  Can
anybody tell me where I can get a copy of it in a hurry?  FTP would be
best for us, but we would be happy to pay Fed-X charges, plus a (not
unreasonable) duplication charge to get it on tape.

Any and all leads appreciated. 


John Sambrook
john at nsr.bioeng.washington.edu

(206) 548-4386

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