./etc/APPLE. No Free Software for Mac users.

Pierce T. Wetter wetter at tybalt.caltech.edu
Sat Oct 1 03:40:19 AEST 1988

>a) doesn't the Apple vs. Microsoft lawsuit involve more than just 'look and
>   feel'.  It was my impression that they (Apple) were basing their claims
>   in part on some abuses they claim Microsoft committed against their
>   agreement.
   My own personal theory: Apple in '85 is in dismal shape. Massive layoffs,
large inventories, etc.
   Microsoft, the number one software house in the country, decides they
want to release a graphical interface for DOS. Apple says NO you cant
copy the mac, do it some other way. Bill gates who gave Apple some feedback
on the mac interface and therefore thinks he owns 50% of the code (wouldn't
it be a strange world if all your beta testers had a share of your copyright)
says ok, then I'm never going to produce anything else for the mac, or 
update MS-Word (Notice the provison in the Apple-MS contract that MS has
to update MS-Word). Since at this point in time, such an annnouncement would
have driven Apple into bankruptcy, Apple capitulates.
   Hence we get Windows, a bad copy of the Mac Interface. 

   Thus, MS commits the ultimate in software hoarding: driving companies
out of business by withholding software.
   Apple is now the Good Guy, seeking to protect other companies from the 
likes of MS. (Perhaps that's why Jobs is going to Unix/Mach) 

  Apple's legal strategy: The Apple, MS contract was signed under duress and
therefore null and void. MS is therefore guilty of using whatever it was
the Apple contract gave them the rights to use, and HP is an unfortunate


wetter at tybalt.caltech.edu    pwetter at caltech.bitnet pwetter at caltech.edu 
  Weird theory #47: Islamic women can do kinky things with their ankles,
                    that's why the Koran says they aren't supposed to
                    reveal them in public. 

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