Changing name of term windows

Gert Hulstein gert at Apple.COM
Fri Sep 2 05:27:52 AEST 1988

Here is a little piece of code that changes the name of a term
window, and it's entry in the window menu's.
Have fun with it.

:*) Gert Hulstein

gert at or gert at uvabick.uucp

Gert Hulstein
University of Amsterdam

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	name.c : a program to change the name of a 'term' window.

#define	menuString	"\033]L%s\033\\"
#define	windowString	"\033]l%s\033\\"

main( argc, argv )
int	argc;
char	*argv[];

if (argc != 2) {
	printf( "usage : %s <window-name>\n", *argv );
	exit( 1 );

printf( menuString, *(++argv) );
printf( windowString, *argv );

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