Preformance of A/UX 1.1

Mark A. Verber verber at
Sun Apr 16 01:55:16 AEST 1989

I have been told that A/UX version 1.1 has reasonable disk preformance.
I played with A/UX 1.0 for a while, but decided the preformance was
just not reasonable enough to get real work done.  I gather the SCSI
driver was re-written.

I am curious if anyone has tried to really benchmark disk (in
particular) and general preformance on A/UX.  I woule be really
interested in comparing A/UX 1.0 vs A/UX 1.1, vs Sun 3/60 with a
local disk.

I am also interest in any infomation about cost, preformance, etc. of
some of the new fast scsi cards for MacIIs.

Mark A. Verber				  Physics Department
verber at		  Ohio State University
					  174 West 18th Avenue
614-292-8002				  Columbus,  OH 43210

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