UUCP Changes in A/UX 2.0?

Michael A. Nowak mike at bushido
Sat Apr 7 14:10:42 AEST 1990

As long as we're asking about changes in A/UX 2.0, I may as well ask about
the package that caused me the most trouble:  UUCP.  Have the utilities making
up UUCP been changed or corrected in this release?  I've run into the
following while setting up UUCP/Usenet news on my machine:

1.  uucico wouldn't call uuxqt correctly.  I think it was trying to set up
	the time zone and so forth but it didn't come out right.  I had to
	rename uuxqt and call it from my uudemon.hr script separately.

2.	mail & rmail do not munge the headers correctly.  All the mail appears
	like it's coming from uucp instead of the original sender.  This was
	corrected using another version of rmail and recompiling.

These may be caused by errors on my part but they were definitely
problematic.  If you're building a wish list form customers, a
bidirectional getty would be great too.  :)

Mike Nowak
Bushido Systems.

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