uucico on AUX, Arrrg!, outgoing

Alexis Rosen alexis at panix.UUCP
Fri Feb 23 19:12:06 AEST 1990

Uucico, like lots and lots of other stuff in A/UX, is slightly broken. I don't
recall the details, we just junked it and used Paul Campbell's version.

While I'm posting, I'd just like to flame a little:

It's utterly disgraceful.
Here's some non-flames:
mail is broken: it doesn't respect file locks, so that if multiple messages
come to one mailbox at the same time, they'll interleave into one long message.
mailx is broken: setting a pager will blow away serial lines
lots of uucp stuff is faulty: uucico, uucp, uuxqt, etc. Sorry, I don't remember
all the details on these as it's been a while.

Oh, yeah...


What a totally half-assed job!

[Now back to your regular programming... And if I've offended anyone at Apple,
sorry, but I'm calling them as I see them. I'd just _love_ to be proven wrong
in public, too- it'd be embarrasing but at least my system would start working
better. ...And this had better be fixed in 2.0. (We'll see next week, I think).]

Alexis Rosen
{apple,cmcl2}!panix!alexis  <--- a very flaky A/UX box

ps- I'm off to belize for two weeks. Sorry to flame and run, but if anyone
really wants to toast me back, you had better mail me, or the news may be gone
by the time I get back...

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