telnet binary data bug.

Tom Unger unger at
Sun Nov 11 04:35:22 AEST 1990


I seem to be having two problems with transmission of binary data over
a telnet connection.  The two problems are:

1) a NULL is inserted after all \r.

2) A single character x80 is not transmitted.  Two x80 in sequence
   cause a single 0x80 to be transmitted.

The application is an xmodem file transfer from a/ux to the remote.
The troublesome bytes are in the file.  On a/ux I am running sz (the
zmodem utility) as 'sx' for to send a file with xmodem.  The receiver
is a Macintosh running software I wrote.

The telnet connection should be in binary data mode.  The remote side
negociates binary data in both directions and a/ux responds
positively.  I know that normally all \r are followed by \n or NULL
normally, but it is my understainding that this is not done in binary

Can anyone verify that this is a bug in a/ux telnet?  Can anyone at
Apple comment on this?

You can reply via e-mail to:  unger at

Tom Unger
MITEM corp.

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