X Windows on a Mac AND 24 bit color

Julia Hsieh hsieh at rscene.hac.com
Sat Feb 16 06:19:59 AEST 1991

I am looking into possibly switching platforms from the MacOS to a
Unix-X Windows platform.  Since I am set up with a SuperMac 19" 24 bit
color monitor and board, and if I switched to one of the Sun's here,
I'd need an upgrade (more paperwork), I was wondering if anyone else
has tried or if anyone knows of what problems I will run into.

SuperMac has confirmed that my monitor will run under A/UX 2.0, but
they know nothing about X Windows.  Also, recommendations about
whether I will need MacX or if X11R4 will be sufficient.

My current set up contains:
    Mac IIfx with 32 MB of internal memory.
    Apple's internal 160 MB hard drive
    	(we will be getting a separate 200-300MB hard drive for A/UX)
    Pinnacle Micro's eraseable magneto-optical drive
    	(will get A/UX driver)
    Apple 13" monitor & card.
    SuperMac 19" color monitor & Spectrum 24/Series III card.

(lots of fun toys, huh?)

Thanks in advance.

julia hsieh              My opinions are not intended to reflect
hsieh at rscene.hac.com     those of Hughes Aircraft Company.

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