Announcing MacX 1.1 and X Window System 2.1

Chan Wilson [Animal] cwilson at NISC.SRI.COM
Wed Jan 16 14:31:03 AEST 1991

abm at (Alan Mimms) writes:

>MacX runs on the Macintosh Plus, Macintosh SE, Macintosh Classic,
>Macintosh LC, and all of the computers in the Macintosh II series.  MacX
>The MacTCP connection tool supports pretty much any Macintosh Ethernet
>adapter (Apple's EtherTalk board, for example) or any AppleTalk transport
>(e.g., twisted-pair LocalTalk) to communicate with a DDP<->IP gateway
>(e.g., Kinetics KIP).

HmmMMmmm..  So, answer me this, if you can.  Picture this hypothetical
(at the moment) situation: A Mac plus, connected via AppleTalk to a
Mac fx running a/ux 2.0.  The Mac fx is running the cap/uab package,
allowing it to be an Appletalk<->IP gateway.  Can the Mac Plus be
running MacX, accessing clients on the other side of the fx?

In other words, an AppleTalked Mac Plus X-Windows Display through an fx?

Chan Wilson                                  Chief Hard-Question Answer Person
SRI Intl. Network Information Systems Center
333 Ravenswood Ave., EJ287			Internet: cwilson at
Menlo Park, CA., 94025				Phone: (415)859-4492
    "If I want to be a surfer this month, I bloody well will be."

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