less vs man under a/ux

Thad P Floryan thad at cup.portal.com
Thu Jan 10 23:14:48 AEST 1991

wfp at panix.uucp (Bill Phillips) in <1991Jan9.083632.11854 at panix.uucp> writes:

	I've been trying to get less working on this system, which runs a/ux,
	and it seems to work just fine with one exception: when designated as
	PAGER, and called from man, less displays escape sequences as
	"^[<whatever>", so you end up with a lot of garbage on the screen, and
	no highlighting, underlining or whatever.  I've installed less on
	several systems and have never seen this bizarre behavior before.

Sigh.  WHAT version of less, what are your compile options, what is the
setting of 'term' (e.g. ``$ echo $TERM'' to find out), etc etc

I've compiled the EXACT same version of less (ver.5) to run under all of SysV
on my 3B1 systems, HP-UX 3.* and 7.*, A/UX 2.0, etc. and it works PERFECTLY
with "man" as $PAGER on all of them.  Note, though, I had to "fix" termcap and
terminfo under A/UX for proper VT100/VT200 support (since most my usage is
over the serial or net ports since I dislike the glare on the Apple monitors),
but no change was required to use the Mac's console.

Thad Floryan [ thad at cup.portal.com ]

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