Ethernet card help

Christopher Gunn 1k1mgm at
Thu May 2 06:13:00 AEST 1991

In article <Ic7fs1y00WBM80zIcu at>, cy0q+ at (Chad O. Yoshikawa) writes:
> I was planning on buying an ethernet card in the very near future(I have a II
> ci currently), and I was wondering if anyone could give me any advice on which
> one to buy?

Hey, I get to do a ME TOO post!  I've got an a/ux IIci on order that I
had to spec out in a matter of hours, and I was too unclear about
just what Apple ethernet cards WERE these days to want to risk buying
the wrong thing.

I want ThinWire, could live with AUI, can't deal with twisted pair,
would like to avoid Apple's "you're trapped forever with our weird
implementation" gear but am more interested in avoiding 3rd-party
drivers that are always a few OS releases behind.

This has the look & feel of a Frequently Asked Question, but I've
only been looking closely at this newsgroup for a week or so (since
I ordered a/ux), and if such a things has been posted much earlier
than that, I probably missed it.


Christopher Gunn	Molecular Graphics and Modeling Lab
SPAN--KUPHSX::GUNN	Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Malott Hall
913-864-4428 or -4495	University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS  66045

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