Gnu Emacs on 386/ix Ver 2.0.2

Adam W. Feigin adam at
Sat Dec 23 01:53:14 AEST 1989

I tried building emacs version 18.55 on 386/ix v 2.0.2, using
s-usg5-3.h and m-intel386.h with no luck (compiler bombs in sysdep.c,
not to mention that it can't seem to handle x11term.c at all). I know
people have done it, so my question is...HOW?? Am I missing something ??

Internet: adam at			Adam W. Feigin
UUCP: {backbonz}!ncifcrf!adam			Senior Systems Manager
Mail: P.O. Box B, Bldg 430	National Cancer Institute-Supercomputer Center
      Frederick, MD 21701		Frederick Cancer Research Facility

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