ISC 2.0.2 and VP/IX Dos Emulation

Bill Diamond diamond at hdchq.UUCP
Thu Nov 16 04:37:18 AEST 1989

We're using a Compaq 386/33 with 14 MB ram, and a 650 MB fixed drive with 
the DTP caching controller with 4.5 MB caching RAM on board, and the
SunRiver fiber optic workstations.

On the whole, we're pleased with ISC's support and assistance with
problems, but on problem is terribly vexing for us.  We know that ISC is
working on it, but we're curious whether other organizations have
experienced this problem, and whether they've found a work-around.

The problem is when users are in VP/ix DOS emulation, whether using a
particular DOS program or just at the DOS shell, on both the console and
the SunRiver stations, the keyboard seems to "flip out".  The caps lock
locks in, and we cannot reset the keyboard.  All keys pressed once this
keyboard flip-flop occurs generate an equivalent scan code as if the
<Shift> were pressed along with the single keystroke.

ISC engineers have been forthright in telling us that this problem is
number one on their list, but, until a permanent fix is available, I have
quite a few anxious users dead in the water.

Any ideas?  Should there be sufficient interest, I will summarize for the

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