ESDI controller recommendations

Dr. Scump aland at infmx.UUCP
Fri Sep 8 15:32:19 AEST 1989

In article <1989Sep4.024559.13279 at ddsw1.MCS.COM> karl at ddsw1.MCS.COM (Karl Denninger) writes:
>The people here, who read and post to this group, are working with and
>talking about ISA 80386 machines.  That means AT bus.  Like it or not,

Says who?  

>are lots of compelling reasons for using the AT bus, and companies such as
>DPT make it more than reasonable to do so.  Items like multiple-sourcing,
>inexpensive price points, interchangability of operating environments (pick
>your Unix), etc.

Since when is the charter of this group limited to ISA?  
Are you telling us that MCA-based (Micro Channel) machines don't belong
here?  Remember, ISC is shipping their current 2.0.2 release for MCA
bus also.  Do you want MCA people kicked out into a separate newsgroup?

>Such a machine IS a real computer.  It has 3-5X the power of a Vax 780,

yeah, but who says the VAX 780 is a "real computer"?  :-] :-] :-]

>Karl Denninger (karl at ddsw1.MCS.COM, <well-connected>!ddsw1!karl)

    Alan S. Denney  @  Informix Software, Inc.    
         {pyramid|uunet}!infmx!aland                 "I want to live!
   --------------------------------------------       as an honest man,
    Disclaimer:  These opinions are mine alone.       to get all I deserve
    If I am caught or killed, the secretary           and to give all I can."
    will disavow any knowledge of my actions.             - S. Vega

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