Adaptex is gone

WB3FFV howardl at
Fri Aug 3 06:32:46 AEST 1990

>From article <36500003 at adaptex>, by root at adaptex.UUCP:
> By the time you read this adaptex will be off the air.  Sorry, I didn't
> have any warning.  I will not be able to send/receive email.  Until
> further notice, please do not post anything to adaptex via email.
> 					Roy Neese

   Hello All,

Did anybody by chance grab the avalible files on SCSI interfaces from
adaptex??  I just received Email from Roy the other day telling me of 
the avalibility, but I guess that blows that idea into the vapor zone.
If somebody has (or knows where I can get them) the files avalible for
BBS download, UUCP, or FTP, it would be most appreicated...

Internet  : howardl at	|	Howard D. Leadmon
UUCP      : wb3ffv!howardl		|	Advanced Business Solutions
TELEX     : 152252474     		|	210 E. Lombard St - Suite 410
Telephone : (301)-576-8635		|	Baltimore, MD  21202 

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