386/ix on Tandon 386 w Seagate SCSI disk

Rob Vijgenboom rvi at ktibv.uucp
Wed Feb 14 23:48:32 AEST 1990

I intend to purchase a Tandon 80386 machine for use with Interactive 386/ix.
I've heard rumours on problems with Tandon's BIOS - Tandon is supposed to
have fixed this in the U.S.A.

Does anybody know if there are any BIOS problems, and if so which Tandon BIOS
version is required?

Also, I would like to know if anybody has come across problems with Seagate
SCSI (ST-296, ST 1096) disks with Interactive's 386/ix.

Thank you,

Rob Vijgenboom
K.T.I. Group BV, P.O. Box 86, 2700 AB Zoetermeer, The Netherlands
E-mail: hp4nl.nluug.nl!ktibv!rvi

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