Bell Hardware Tech Specs (Open Letter to Dimitri)

Jeffrey Kegler jeffrey at
Wed Feb 14 13:56:55 AEST 1990

Dimitri was kind enough to reply to my posting.  For those who missed
it, he had asserted, as part of a long response to some other
criticisms, that technical specs for the Bell Tech hardware had
always been available to customers and even sometimes driver source as

I posted in follow-up that I, a loyal Bell Tech customer, had called
for these specs and been refused.

Dimitri replied by E-mail, "the technical specs/reference guides were
always available from Bell, but through the sales people.  Sorry you
had a hard time with the tech support crew."  Actually, it was a Sales
person (Kristine Burr) who sent me to Tech Support, telling me I
needed their permission.

My reply to Dimitri bounced, and I intended to post a summary to this
group anyway.  He gave me the name of a man at Intel to whom to write.
I will do so and the net know what, if anything, happens.  "No
guarantees!" is Dimitri's prognosis.

If the situation is 
1) the specs were freely available, but ...
2) I didn't get them by mistake and ...
3) now the mistake is cleared up but ...
4) I can't have them anyway,
I think we have sort of a Catch-22 here.

I would be interested in hearing from anyone else who got the
technical specs for any of the Bell Tech ACE, IWS or XTC boards.

I apologize to Dimitri for not giving him the courtesy of a separate
personal reply, but it bounced.

Jeffrey Kegler, Independent UNIX Consultant, Algorists, Inc.
jeffrey at algor2.ALGORISTS.COM or uunet!algor2!jeffrey
1762 Wainwright DR, Reston VA 22090

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