Lack of floating point on Micronics 386/33Mhz w/Interactive rel 3.2

Dennis S. Breckenridge root at nebulus.UUCP
Sun Feb 4 14:33:47 AEST 1990

To detirmine what the kernel see's as its floating point try:

# crash
> od fp_kind
Crash will respond with 0-3. 0=no floating point, 1=software emulation
			     2=80287 FP chip,     3=80387 FP chip

Now if you are using an emulator here is a couple  of  tips.  The
file   /etc/emulator   is   a  link  to  one  of  two  emulators.
/etc/emulator.dflt is the  standard  (buggy)  Microsoft  Floating
point emulator. This emulator is very fast, but certain functions
dump core. I should  also  point  out  that  if  this  file  gets
truncated,  and it does happen things start breaking all over the
place, mainly simultask. The other file (if it exists) is  called
/etc/emulator.rel1.  This  is  a  much  enhanced and considerably
slower FP emulator but for the most part it works!
NAME:     Dennis S. Breckenridge                 UUCP: dennis at nebulus
               EMACS: Eight Megabytes And Constantly Swapping!

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