COFF Changes for GAS and GDB: new archive site and correction to previous posting

Michael Bloom mb at ttidca.TTI.COM
Sat Jul 7 10:52:15 AEST 1990

My changes to gas and gdb for coff on Sun386i and vanilla System V
systems are now available for anonymous uucp and anonymous ftp
from Ohio State University as follows:

	UUCP: osu-cis!~/gnu/coff/gnu-coff.tar.Z

My previous posting stated that the two tar files gas-coff.tar.Z, and
gdb-coff-stabs.tar.Z were in "/pub/unix386/gnu" on

This was incorrect. Only gas-coff.tar.Z is in /pub/unix386/gnu, but
both files are in the directory just above it, /pub/unix386.

The contents of both tars on are present in the
single tar file at Ohio State.

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