too many x clients on the same ISC host?

Bruce M Ong DeadHead at
Tue Jul 24 12:56:31 AEST 1990

few days ago I asked a question re: ISC's X  not being able to handle
more than 5 clients in a heavily loaded system.  I got a lot of response
on that one (some of them from the nice folks at ISC's x group). All
reponses sugguest that I change the parameters in the kernel... that
was the first thing I did when I ran into the problem - increased just
about all the parameters that I could think of that had anything to do with
inodes, process tables, streams, clists, etc.  Didnt seem to help... I wonder
if the applications that I am running are causing problems... but it shouldnt
as I believe the kernel should be pretty well shielded from the nautiness
of the applications... I am gonna tweak more and see... But would like to
thank all those that responded... I'll report my findings.

deadhead at

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