"File Table Overflow and KLM Locks"

Sankar Bala sankar at bruce.cs.monash.OZ.AU
Sat Jul 28 12:10:01 AEST 1990

I am sorry if this letter appears to be silly to any of this newsgroup readers.

I installed a 80386 system running SCO Unix Ver:3.2 on a 200 MB hard disk. It
is also running TCP/IP, NFS , Remote and Multiple terminal systems and 'C'
softwre development set. I am getting the following messages frequently when
the number of process on the system exceeds beyond a certain limit.

Message 1:

Notice : File Table Overflow

Message 2:

Notice : KLM Locks to the Manager denied No Locks Can't Recover

	I thought, I need to change the system tuneable parameters (Which One?)
and rebuild the Kernel. Before I do that, Can any one in the Net.
could suggest me a solution?. In particular the name of the parameters (Values)
and the file(s).

B. Sankar               |ACSnet:    sankar at bruce.cs.monash.oz
Dept.of Computer Science|  UUnet:    sankar%bruce.cs.monash.oz at uunet.uu.net
Monash University, Clayton |  ARPA:    sankar%bruce.cs.monash.oz at seismo.css.gov
AUSTRALIA 3168. Phone BH: +61-3-794-0234 AH: +61-3-544-0050

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