'No shell' error message

Dean Olsen dvo at comcon.UUCP
Tue Jul 24 08:17:00 AEST 1990

I have a problem with a machine I'm supporting.  I foolishly
restored some accounting files into the root directory by mistake and
now the normal users can't get into the system, they get a 'No shell'
message before /etc/profile executes.  Users who belong to the group
id of '0' or '1' can do everthing as normal although when I try to
add a new user sysadm bombs with a 'No shell' at the end.

I have checked all the important files like '/etc/group' etc..  and
can find nothing out of the ordinary.

I'm using ISC 2.0.2 on a 25Mhz clone and have had no other problems
untill now.


Thanks in advance
Dean Olsen

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