Michael Davidson md at sco.COM
Thu Mar 22 17:01:14 AEST 1990

brando at uiucme2.me.uiuc.edu (Brando W. Brown) writes:

>                   Also, I mentioned earlier that I do get 16 colors, but
>they seem to be different than the standard set. example: All of the GIF
>files included with the User contributed 7 diskette set have one of two
>messages when I run xgif:

>XGIF:   Failure to Allocate Desired Colors.  &&

>        UTTERLY FAILED to allocate blah blah blah.....
xgif doesn't install it's own X color map - that means it is trying to
allocate all of it's colors out of a map that already has several
colors allocated - on a 16 color display that means that there aren't
many colors left - xgif just goes on reducing the color resolution and
trying to allocate colors until it either succeeds (probably with a
very badly distorted color palette) or fails and gives up.

If you only have a 16 color display you really need to modify xgif
to install it's own color map even if you only want to display 16
color images.

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