Display adapter for X11R3 386/ix (cont.)

Brando W. Brown brando at uiucme2.me.uiuc.edu
Thu Mar 29 04:00:47 AEST 1990

In article <MME*QP*@utower.gopas.sub.org> fischer at utower.gopas.sub.org writes:
>Now I have heard that only four cards are supported from Interactive
>in 1024x768 16 colors non-interlaced mode under X-Windows.
How do you sit in front of a normal sized VGA screen while viewing X in
1024/768 mode?? The characters were so small it gave me a headache!! I have
an 800x600x16 Vega VGA card that seems to be as fast as the others for about
1/2 as much as the Orchid card.

|   Brandon Brown                    Internet:   brando at uiucme.me.uiuc.edu   |
|   Addamax Corporation              UUCP:       uunet!uiucuxc!addamax!brown |
|   2009 Fox Drive                   GEnie:      xmg23356 macbrando          |
|   Champaign, IL  61820             CompuServe: 73040,447                   |

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