GNUemacs Murder-Suicide under BASH

Rock Kent rock at rancho.uucp
Sat May 26 15:45:23 AEST 1990

I have GNU Emacs 18.55 running under BASH version 1.05 on an 80386
machine running System V Release 3.  

While I'm happy with them individually, they have an aggravating habit
when working together.  The first time I hit ^G in emacs in order to
abort an extended command everything is OK.  The second time, though,
a signal is somehow passed on the bash causing both emacs and bash to
terminate leaving only the message "Fatal error (1).".  

If you've encountered and solved this problem, I would really
appreciate some pointers.  My fingers, having spent considerable time
in adjusting autonomic reactions to the demands of emacs, are too
often getting to the ^G before my brain can intervene.  :-)


*Rock Kent    rock at rancho.uucp        POB 8964, Rancho Sante Fe, CA. 92067*

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