Implementing full name addressing for large sites?

Andy Glew aglew at
Tue Nov 6 09:12:33 AEST 1990

>I would like to implement full name addressing on a company wide basis
>for a fairly large site. 

Time yet again for my post praising "ph", the nameserver written by
the folks at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's CSO.  It
permits email to be sent to many approximations of a person's full
name (eg. andy-glew, krazy-glue, a-glew all work to send mail to me; in case of collision it replies asking the sender to be a
bit more specific.  It can be used as a database query system, plugged
into whois, finger, etc.

You can get ph nameserver from via anonymous ftp.

Andy Glew, a-glew at [get ph nameserver from]

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