Submission for comp-unix-microport

The Daily Fishwrap news at tolerant.UUCP
Fri Jan 6 17:42:54 AEST 1989

Path: tolerant!voder!apple!rutgers!bellcore!texbell!ssbn!bill
From: bill at ssbn.WLK.COM (Bill Kennedy)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.microport
Subject: Green Hills 386 compiler
Keywords: gcc shared libraries
Message-ID: <293 at ssbn.WLK.COM>
Date: 27 Dec 88 19:30:02 GMT
Distribution: na
Organization: W.L. Kennedy Jr. & Associates, Pipe Creek, TX
Lines: 17

s the subject suggests I'm trying to tiptoe into the new compiler.  Thus
far I haven't found anything it does that's smaller than what pcc writes
but there is a mesaurable (time) speed improvement.  I have very little
experience with it so bear with my (hopefully not obvious) ignorance.

I took the same source and compiled it with pcc and gcc, with and without
the shared C library (-lc_s).  It outran pcc by about 30% with a 50%
increase in binary size without the shared library.  The pcc version with
shared library was about 20% larger than without it and it ran.  The gcc
binary with shared library promptly dumped core with a memory fault.  I
did RTFM but if there was a caveat in there it didn't have a big red flag
flying over it.

Is anyone else having similar results or is it just me again?  Thanks,
Bill Kennedy  usenet      {killer,att,,sun!daver}!ssbn!bill
              internet    bill at ssbn.WLK.COM

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