Berkeley UNIX on 386

Ken Seefried iii ken at
Sat Jan 14 00:15:39 AEST 1989

In article <18267 at> allan at (Alan Perry) writes:
>I am posting this here because it seems to be the place that 386 UNIXs are
>Is there any implementations of Berkeley UNIX for the 386?  How about any
>plans to implement System VR4 on the 386?  Just asking.
>alan perry     UUCP: {trwrb,hplabs}!felix!dhw68k!allan

Sun Microsystems SunOS (Berkeley 4.3) has been ported to the 80386 
and is availible on the Sun 386i.  I have heard roumors that SunOS 
also might run on the Compaq 386, though it seems unlikely that Sun 
would release it for that purpose.  

Intel and AT&T are porting System V release 4 to the 80386, though 
I do not know when it will be released.

	ken seefried iii	...!{akgua, allegra, amd, harpo, hplabs, 
	ken at		masscomp, rlgvax, sb1, uf-cgrl, unmvax,
	                     	ut-ngp, ut-sally}!gatech!ken

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