The nature of wizards

Wendy Wilhelm wendy at
Thu Oct 11 01:33:42 AEST 1990

>>Right-- and they have time to constantly answer the same simple (or stupid)
>>questions over and over and over again.  Say, how do you delete a file which
>>beings with '-'?

	Yes.... I must agree.... It is getting a *little* old...

>>Using 'she' to refer to what, for whatever reason, is an exclusively
>>male group, seems to be dead wrong.

	Why.... What's wrong with that..... And who are you to say that
	it's an "exclusively" male group......  Not to challenge you, but
	females do manage to do *all* sorts of things... However, I'm not
	an adament feminist, so, I don't really want to get into this
	male/female superiority kick... I'm not into that...

>"Posters to c.u.wizards" are not the same group as "wizards."  You
>refer to the former; I was (and still am) talking about the latter.

	As far as wizard status goes, only in rogue, moria, and DND.
	As far as c.u.wizards, I don't know.... What is the job
	contract??? As far as being unix literate, I believe that I
	pass... I've answered the above question no less than the
	100 times that it's been asked in the last month (factious,
	yes..... :) ) although I must admit that I too, have pretty
	much given up on this group... Female, last time I looked and 
	I don't believe that it could change since then....

	Don't sweat it... Life's not worth worrying so much over 
	little details....                 (me)

					Just my $.02
Wendy Wilhelm                                                     
Portland State University                                         
Portland Center for Advanced Technology                           
LOCAL:    wendy                                                   
NTERNET: wendy%{cs,ee}                                   

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