UUCP general questions

Greg Onufer greg at cheers.Bungi.COM
Sat Sep 22 18:53:11 AEST 1990

tslee at oracle.uucp (Terry S. Lee) writes:
>Is UUCP a 'reliable' error correcting protocol?

UUCP is not really a protocol.  It is a file transfer system that can
utilize several protocols depending on the type of link being used.
There is the common "g" protocol typically used with modem
connections, "f" which is typically used over X.25 links and other
non-8-bit transparent mediums, "e" which is used over perfectly
reliable links (i.e., no error checking whatsoever), and several other
protocols which aren't widely used.  Both "g" and "f" protocols
provide error checking with "g" assuming a more non-reliable link.

>Also, I know that UUCP, after making a call, will try to send all
>traffic between the nodes on that same call.  Is there a way to delay
>how long UUCP waits until it kills the connection? (i need to send a
>file, do some remote processing, and send back a file; hopefully on
>one call)

With the standard UUCP--- No.  With both ends calling each other "on
demand", then the remote system will call back as soon as the file is
ready.  UUCP typically hangs up after the current work queue is
depleted.  But, if 1) your job is sent early, 2) the remote machine
runs uux while you are still transferring files and 3) your job
doesn't take too long to queue up the return file, you may get the
file back in the same call.


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