Where can I find a POSIX Committees list?

nieland_t at kahuna.asd-yf.wpafb.af.mil nieland_t at kahuna.asd-yf.wpafb.af.mil
Fri Mar 22 09:14:51 AEST 1991

Can someone point me to a list of the IEEE Posix standards documents, or at 
least a list of the standards committees.  I have seen a couple around, but I need 
the actual list of standards committees.  A short description of what each 
committee is working on would also help.

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

Ted Nieland				nieland_t at kahuna.asd-yf.wpafb.af.mil
Control Data Corporation		nieland at dayfac.cdc.com
(513) 427-6355				ted at nieland.dayton.oh.us

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