ZIP and PKARC for Unix System V?

Bill Stewart 908-949-0705!wcs wcs at
Sat Mar 16 01:46:14 AEST 1991

I'm looking for Unix versions of ZIP and PKARC that can run on System V.
I've got the ARC 5.21 and ZIP code I could find in the archives;
the ZIP won't read any ZIP headers, and the ARC complains about
.ARC files in the way it usually complains about PKARC versions.

Are there any System V versions out there?   Thanks!

If it matters, I'm using an AT&T 3B2 computer, but I can move the
stuff to a 386 if I have to.
				Pray for peace;
# Bill Stewart 908-949-0705!wcs AT&T Bell Labs 4M-312 Holmdel NJ
# Hacker.  System Designer.  Troublemaker.

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