4.2 BSD Curses

David E. Fields zaphod at ms.uky.edu
Mon Nov 19 10:48:10 AEST 1990

Hi...I'm trying to get a program I ftp'd from uunet to work.  In
the docs, it says that I need the Vanilla 4.2 BSD Curses for this
program to work right.  Can anyone tell me where I might find these
sources?  I've checked on our local system, but couldn't find them.

Thanks in advance.

David E. Fields            |  "Be good and you will be lonesome."
zaphod at ms.uky.edu          |                        Mark Twain      
david at ukpr.uky.edu         |  "Be lonesome, and you will be free." 
zaphod at ukma.bitnet         |                        Jimmy Buffett

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