Read and write /dev/ttya?

klaus u schallhorn klaus at cnix.uucp
Thu Jan 24 22:08:33 AEST 1991

In article <3971 at> "Andrew G. Minter" <agm at> writes:
>In the referenced article veit at (Holger Veit) writes:
>>montnaro at (Skip Montanaro) writes:
>>>The getc() just hangs. What am I doing wrong?
>>stdio does input and output buffering. If your answering device does not
>>deliver a Carriage return as a block limiter, your getc() call will wait
>>forever. Try including 
>>	setbuf(f,NULL);	
Unless you set ICANON off it's going to wait until it receives
a linefeed. Have a look in termio(4).

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