Using VT100 graphics characters with curses

jay dubb jdubb at
Sun Jan 20 02:15:12 AEST 1991

I am posting this for a friend of mine, who doesn't have access to
USENET, so please respond directly to mlevin at

    I am using Curses, in a C program on a BSD 4.3 Unix machine. I
would like to use the VT100 graphics characters on the screen. Is
there a better method than using printf() to write the "enter graphics
character set mode" escape sequence to the terminal, and then using
regular curses to print whatever characters I want? I would rather not
mix printf()s with curses commands. For example, maybe it's possible to
change the characters curses uses to make StandOut mode to be the
begin and end graphics mode escape sequences, and then just use
standout mode for the characters I want to be graphics. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.

					Mike Levin (mlevin at

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