File Management System for UNIX

kanit at jplpro.UUCP kanit at jplpro.UUCP
Sat Nov 1 03:53:27 AEST 1986


	We plan to purchase a "low-end" File Management System (FMS) that will 
run on either the Sun or VAX computers with UNIX 4.2 operating system.  The
FMS will be used to provide basic indexed random access to files.  Facilities 
on file and record level locking along with interfaces to C application 
programs are mandatory. We have found two FMS:
		C-ISAM by Relational Database Systems, Inc. and 
		Phact ISAM by UniPress Software, Inc., 

but would like to know about other existing FMS for evaluations and comparisons.
	FMS that resembles a database management system is inappropriate for 
our needs.  We can not afford the overheads associated with such FMS.  
Can anyone tell me of FMS other than the above two ?  I need to know the name 
of the system, its vendor and, possibly, phone numbers.  Any lead is
greatly appreciated.


Kanit Pattaphongse
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Uucp: {sdcrdcf,bellcore,ihnp4}!psivax!jplpro!kanit
Uucp: jplgodo!chas2!jplpro!kanit
Arpa: ...jplpro!kanit at cit-vax.ARPA

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