Mysterious error message: the string sent to system()

Chris Sylvain don at umd5
Sat Nov 22 06:39:18 AEST 1986

In case anyone wants to know what the string I was sending to system(),
it certainly wasn't anything out of the ordinary.
I was sending either "chmod 666 <full-path-file-name>" or
"email <full-path-file-name>". "email" is a program I've written.
With either string, I got the error message "00: is not an identifier"
from system(), but the same string worked fine if I typed it myself.
Also, this is a 4.3BSD microVAX, but I don't think that it matters so
much either. I've even taken a peek at the BSD sources to try and see
where/how the error is generated, but I didn't have any luck.

.. And hast thou slain the Jabberwock? ..

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