Doug Gwyn gwyn at brl-smoke.ARPA
Sat Jan 17 12:11:32 AEST 1987

In article <1324 at cadovax.UUCP> mitchell at cadovax.UUCP (Mitchell Lerner) writes:
>Anybody used shl layers?  How is it as a user interface?  Can I do most
>of the things that I can do under Berkeley's job control with shl layers?

"shl" can do most of the things you probably use 4BSD job control for,
but it has some restrictions.  One is that "shl" needs some "sxt" pseudo-
devices; make sure there are enough for all the "shl" users on your system.
The other main problem is that processes don't automatically repaint the
screen when they get control of the terminal back.

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