INFO-UNIX Digest V3#048

black at ee.UCLA.EDU black at ee.UCLA.EDU
Tue Jan 27 11:09:19 AEST 1987

> Seems to me that late last year
> somebody claiming to have been one of the original developers of the
> BSD "series" posted a query on unix-wizards asking if anyone had heard
> of his own impending port of 4.3 BSD to the IBM AT.
>   Does anyone remember that?  Or is it just me? :-)
>      Rob

	I remember it vaguely.  Wasn't the guy really upset that someone
	had let the cat out of the bag?

	Rex Black
	black at                                          ARPA        
	...!{ihnp4,ucbvax,sdcrdcf,trwspp}!ucla-cs!uclaee!black     UUCP

	Disclaimer:  "It wasn't my fault -- I'll call you back!"

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