yacc & lex intro books?

Root Boy Jim rbj at icst-cmr.arpa
Tue Apr 19 06:18:20 AEST 1988

   From: "Michael J. Farren" <farren at gethen.uucp>

   davidsen at crdos1.UUCP (bill davidsen) writes:
   >_Introduction to Compiler Construction with UNIX_
   >ISBN 0-13-474396-2

   I found this book to be fairly uninstructive and impenetrable, with
   examples that were less clear than the text it was supposed to 
   illuminate (and that text was pretty muddy to start with).  I learned
   one hell of a lot more about lex and yacc from playing around with
   'em, plus liberal reference to the Dragon book, than I did from this
   one.  NOT recommended.

I'm afraid I must agree. This book really jumps into the meat of things
rapidly. While I generally appreciate this technique, I feel it a bit
exaggerated here. Perhaps this book should be twice as thick.

	(Root Boy) Jim Cottrell	<rbj at icst-cmr.arpa>
	National Bureau of Standards
	Flamer's Hotline: (301) 975-5688
	The opinions expressed are solely my own
	and do not reflect NBS policy or agreement
	Do I have a lifestyle yet?

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