UUCP over Bridge(tm) Comm Server CS/100?

Thomas Paul Brisco brisco at pilot.njin.net
Sat Aug 13 03:35:16 AEST 1988

	The subject line spells it out pretty well.  I'm trying
to run UUCP over a Bridge box, and having considerable difficulty.
The particulars are:
	sun -> bridge -> sun
	SysVR3 (HDB) -> modem -> bridge -> (internet) -> sun

The left hand side sun is only a 3/50 that I'm using for testing,
the right hand side sun is a 4/280 running 3.2 - The SysVR3 is
on an InterPro32C.  The Bridge box is running SW/100-TCP-13000
with proms MP - T1 MMON rev. 02B, and SIO - T1 ASYN rev. 18C. The
UUCP is using protocol `g'.

	I've got the obvious things set, FlowControlTo,
FlowControlFrom are "none"; BReakAction is InBand, BReakChar is
"disabled", LongBReakAction is InBand.

	Has anybody else ever attempted such a feat?  We've
had Bridge boxes here for a while, but never attempted to 
run UUCP over them.

	Symptoms are:
		With the above settings, mail (ascii text) seems
to go through fine, however, binary data usually retransmits until it
fails.  When the "hang" occurs, the foreign side keeps sending back 
"(DL)(HT)(SY)*(D4)!" (at least that's what it looks like on the 
serial analyzer, I don't think I've ever seen a D4 before ...).

	I suspect that the Bridge box is doing some character
translation that is corrupting the UUCP packet and the foreign
side is trying to indicate a transmission failure -- I'm not
well versed in protocol g, so I find it hard to tell (BTW: if
*you* have a listing of the protocols, or know where to get
them, I'd appreciate the information).

	Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.


                  UUCP:          ...!rutgers!brisco
                  ARPA:        brisco at pilot.njin.net
                  BITNET:      brisco at zodiac.bitnet
                  Voice:           (201) 932-2351
       Ask me about the New Jersey Intercampus Network Pilot Project

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