Starlan/RFS and Mail

Pete Holsberg pjh at mccc.UUCP
Sat Aug 27 02:05:43 AEST 1988

I have a pair of 3B2/400s linked with Starlan and running RFS.  I want
to send mail to a user on the other system, but I must have something
set up incorrectly.

Could someone point me to the place in the FM that tells about sending
mail over Starlan, with or without RFS (which probably doesn't come into
play).  I have the root directory of each machine as a resource of the
other.  (It's OK - I think -- no one touches either machine but yours
truly, but if there's a big security problem, please let me know.)


Pete Holsberg                   UUCP: {...!rutgers!}princeton!mccc!pjh
Technology Division                   ...!att!jonlab!mccc!pjh
Mercer College			CompuServe: 70240,334
1200 Old Trenton Road           GEnie: PJHOLSBERG
Trenton, NJ 08690               Voice: 1-609-586-4800

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