
Chuck Karish karish at
Mon Aug 22 12:16:57 AEST 1988

In article <2969 at zyx.ZYX.SE> arndt at zyx.SE (Arndt Jonasson) writes:
>Does anyone have a PD implementation of C functions to manipulate a
>program's environment? The operations that should be supported are:

[ getenv(), setenv(), unsetenv() ]

>Does Posix include these?

As of Draft 12.3, the POSIX 1003.1 standard includes only getenv().
It's pretty simple to write the others; all you have to do is to
change the contents of the strings pointed to by the `environ' pointers.
This may entail using realloc() where strings get longer, and re-
assigning pointers to pointers (unsetenv()).

Chuck Karish	ARPA:	karish at
		BITNET:	karish%denali at
		UUCP:	{decvax,hplabs!hpda}!mindcrf!karish
		USPS:	1825 California St. #5   Mountain View, CA 94041

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