386 Unix Machines and a small TeX Question

Micky Liu m-liu at eastend.columbia.edu
Fri Oct 28 15:10:47 AEST 1988

Two Questions, Two Questions in one Posting!

1)  I have to get a small Unix box in the next month to use a server for
    some very small database.  I thought we could save some money if we
    get a 386 box and run some form of Unix on it.  Since my only experience
    is with larger boxes (68K's and Convex's), I thought I'd glean some
    insight from the net.  Do any of you have any experiences with 386
    machines running Unix (SYSV or BSD) and does it support NFS?  Good and
    bad experiences are welcome.  I am looking for some real opinions so
    easy on those "... I heard from an uncle of a friend whose sister works
    for somebody that uses...", okay?

2)  I have just got TeX up and running on my machines, but am missing an
    important part...  I need something like a dvi2HPLaserJet...  That's
    right, I have a bunch of those HP printers, but they're all rather
    useless to me right now since I don't have a dvi driver for them.  I
    tried to compile the dvi2lj that comes on the distribution tape, but
    it seems to depend too much on the HP 1000 Pascal compiler...  I know
    that there is a forum for TeX questions, but I haven't been able to
    get to it yet, sorry...

Please send all responses to me and if there is enough interest, I will be
more than happy to post a summary to the net.  Thanking you all in advance!

Micky Liu
Columbia University

  arpa: micky at cunixc.cc.columbia.edu
        iceman at cuchmc.chem.columbia.edu
  uucp: ...!rutgers!columbia!eastend!m-liu
bitnet: malua at cuvmc


"IM NIN'ALU" -- Ofra Haza on Shanachie Records

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