Need help with TCP/IP broadcast address

Don Ferencz ferencz at cwsys3.cwru.Edu
Thu Sep 8 04:53:15 AEST 1988

Hi there.

I have a rather specific problem dealing with the following variables
(those of you without any of these can safely go on):

We have the Wollongong group's Enhanced TCP/IP Package (WIN-3B) installed
on three AT&T 3B2/310 computers here in our department.  They are
networked with the campus Ethernet connection; and then on out to the

The problem I have is trying to set the default broadcast address
with this particular version of TCP/IP -- the "ifconfig" does _NOT_
support the "broadcast" parameter; thus I am left to programming my own
"sockets" utility to change the default broadcast.  I have no
experience in sockets; however, I have succeeded in opening the
socket to perform an ioctl() to the "ni" driver.  Each SIOCGIFBRDADDR
(for Socket IO Configuration InterFace Get BRoaDcast ADDRess, I assume) fails
with the generic "Invalid Argument", errno = 22.  Is anyone
familiar with this particular package, and its caveats?  Has anyone
got an easier way to change the broadcast address?

This is _quite_ a special interest concern, I'm sure, so just
mail me.  Thanks in advance!

| Don Ferencz                       |  "All the world's indeed a stage\   |
| ferencz at cwsys3.cwru.EDU           |   And we are merely players\        |
| Dept of Systems Engineering       |   Performers and portrayers"        |
| Case Wetsren Reserve University   |     -- Rush                         |

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