Bourne Shell Comments Problem

Dick Hauser nab1382 at dsacng1.UUCP
Wed Sep 21 03:59:49 AEST 1988

I have a question regarding usage of a comment line in the Bourne
Shell.  Here is the situation.  The comment indicator (i.e #) is
in position 1 of the first record of the file.  The comment line
was followed by a read command for a varibale.  When the shell  
was executed using "sh -x shellname", everything worked.  But
when the shell is executed, and execution is not traced, an error
message "read not found" is displayed.

I have exhausted available resources, and cannot determine what is
causing the problem.  If you have the answer, let me know.

		    Thanks in advance for any assistance
Dick Hauser        PHONE:  +1616-961-5312          AV: 932-5312       
Defense Systems Automation Center, Battle Creek, Mi.
UUCP:   {uunet!gould,cbosgd!osu-cis}!dsacg1!dsacng1dhauser      

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