ksh named parameter, question

Richard Rosenthal richr at ai.etl.army.mil
Sat Feb 11 06:15:51 AEST 1989

    Can someone explain this behavior in ksh on both B4.3 and SysV?

    $ typeset TMOUT
    integer TMOUT
    $ print $TMOUT
    $ typeset TMOUT=
    $ print $TMOUT
    $ typeset TMOUT=0
    $ print $TMOUT

    On another machine TMOUT magically becomes 4 instead of 92328
    and that is a real problem!  Then I constantly get 60 second
    timeout warnings.



Richard Rosenthal                 Internet:  richr at ai.etl.army.mil
Engineer Topographic Labs             UUCP:  ...!ames!ai.etl.army.mil!richr
Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060-5546          BITNET:  richr%ai.etl.army.mil at CUNYVM
+1 202 355 3653                      CSNET:  richr%ai.etl.army.mil at RELAY.CS.NET

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