A map to the Unix and Unix like OSs.

Keith Gabryelski ag at elgar.UUCP
Wed Feb 8 06:12:10 AEST 1989

In article <316 at dcs.UUCP> wnp at dcs.UUCP (Wolf N. Paul) writes:
>nobody, so far, seems to have answered the original question: Where
>do System III and System V fit into the 7th, 8th, and 9th Edition

Lemme give it a shot :-)

 ??????????????????????		    ? SCO Unix 3.2?
 ?     System V.4     ?		    ?MicroSoft/SCO?
 ?Merge BSD/SysV/SunOS?		    ?    1989     ?
 ?   AT&T/Sun Micro   ?		    ???????????????
 ?        1989 	      ?		      =   =  =
 ??????????????????????		      =   =  ====================+
     = 	 =     	  =	              =   =                      =
     =   =        +=========================================+    =
     =   =                            =   =                 =    =
     =   +============================+   =         	    =    =
     =   =        		          =         	    =    =
     =   =        		    +--------------+        =    =
     =   =              	    |Xenix Sys 2.3 |   	    =  	 =
     =   =              	    |MicroSoft/SCO |	  +--------------+
     =   =        		    |    1988      |	  |Unix Sys V.3.2|
     =   =            		    +--------------+	  |    AT&T      |
     =   =            		      =   =         	  |    1988      |
     =   =                      [6]===+   =               +--------------+
     =   =      		          =     	         =
     =   =      	            +--------------+             =
     =   =   +-------------+        |   Xenix 386  |      +--------------+
     =   =   |    A/UX     |        |2.2 with VP/ix|      |Unix Sys V.3.1|
     =   =   |Apple/Unisoft|        |MicroSoft/SCO |      |    AT&T      |
     =   =   |    1988     |        |    1987      |      |    1987      |
     =   =   +-------------+        +--------------+      +--------------+
     =   =       =     =                  =                      =
     =   =       =     +=====================================+   =    +====[8]
     =   =       =                        =                  =   =    =
     =   =       =                        =                +------------+
     =   =       =                  +-------------+        |Unix Sys V.3|
     =   =       =                  |Xenix SysV2.2|        |    AT&T    |
     =   =       =                  |MicroSoft/SCO|        |    1986    |
     =   =       =                  |    1986     |        +------------+
     =   =       =                  +-------------+              =
     =   =       =                        =                      =   +=====[7]
     =   =       =                        =                      =   =
     =   =       =                  +-------------+       +--------------+
     =   +===+   =                  |Xenix SysV1.0|       |Unix Sys V.2.2|
     =       =   =                  |MicroSoft/SCO|       |     AT&T     |
+---------+ +------+                |    1985     |       |     1985     |
|  SunOS  | |4.3BSD|                +-------------+       +--------------+
|Sun Micro| | UCB  |                      =   =                   =
|  1982   | | 1986 |                      =   +======+            =
+---------+ +------+                      =          =            =
      =        =                    +-------------+  +========+   =
      =        =                    | Xenix Sys V |           =	  =
      =    +-------+  +------+      |MicroSoft/SCO|==+        =   =
      =    |4.2BSD |  |Ultrix|      |    1984     |  =     +------------+
      =====|  UCB  |==|  DEC |      +-------------+  =     |Unix Sys V.2|
           | 1982  |  +------+            =          =     |     AT&T  	|
           +-------+                      =          =     |     1984   |
               =                    +-------------+  =     +------------+
               =                    |  Xenix 3.0  |  =            =
          +-------+                 |MicroSoft\SCO|  +=========+  =  +=====[4]
          |4.1BSD |                 |    1983     |            =  =  =
          |  UCB  |                 +-------------+          +----------+
          |1980/81|                           =              |Unix sys V|
          +-------+                           =              |   AT&T   |
              =                             +-------------+  |   1983   |
              =                             |  Xenix 2.0  |  +----------+
   +------+   =                +----------+ |MicroSoft/SCO|       =
   |3.0BSD|===+                |  Venix   | |    1981     |       =
   | BSD  |                    |VentureCom| +-------------+ +------------+
   +------+       +-------+    |   1981   |       =         |Unix sys III|
      =           |2.10BSD|    +----------+       =         | Bell Labs  |=[3]
      =     +=====|  UCB  |          =       +---------+    |   1981     |
  +------+  =     | 1987  |          =       |  Xenix  |    +------------+
  |2.8BSD|  =     +-------+          =       |MicroSoft|          =
  |  UCB |  =                        =       |   1980  |========+ =
  | 1978 |  =     +------------+     =       +---------+        = =
  +------+  =     | Edison VII |     =                          = =
     =      =     |Perkin Elmer|=====+========================+ = =
     +======+     |    1980    |     =                        = = =
     =            +------------+     =                        = = =
 +------+                            =          +---------+  +-----------+
 |2.0BSD|                            =          |Unix  32v|  |Unix ver. 7|
 |  UCB |============================+==========|Bell Labs|==| Bell Labs |=[2]
 +------+                            =          |  1978   |  |   1979    |
                                     =          +---------+  +-----------+
                                     =                             =
                                     =                             =
                                     =                       +-----------+
                                     =                       |Unix ver. 6|
                                     +=======================| Bell Labs |=[1]
                                                             |   1977    |
                  +---------+  +-------------+  +---------+  +-----------+
 +-------------+  | MULTICS |  |Unix Assembly|  | Unix C  |  |Unix Ver. 5|
 |The Dark Ages|==|   MIT   |==| Bell Labs   |==|Bell Labs|==| Bell Labs |
 +-------------+  |  1965   |  |   1969      |  |  1973   |  |   1974    |
                  +---------+  +-------------+  +---------+  +-----------+


		       |  IBM  |
		       |  1988 |
		      | PS/2 AIX|
		      |   1988  |
	  +------+ +---------------+
	  |IX/370| |	  AIX      |
	  | IBM  | |IBM/Interactive|
	  | 1985 | |     1985      |
	  +------+ +---------------+
	     =       	   =


   |  386/IX   |
   |   1987    |
     =    =
     =    +=====================================================+
     =								=
     =   +-------------+					=
     = 	 |System V/386 |					=
     =   |  Microport  |					=
     =   |    1987     |					=
     =   +-------------+				   +-----------+
     =          =    =					   |   IN/ix   |
     =          =    +================+			   |Interactive|
     =          =                     =			   |   1984    |
     +======+   =                 +------------+	   +-----------+
            =   =                 |System V/286|		=
[6]======+  =   =                 | Microport  |		=
     	 =  =   =                 |   1986     |		=
        +----------------------+  +------------+		=
        |    Unix Sys V/386    |	    =			=
[8]=====|AT&T/Intel/Interactive|	    =			=
        |       1987	       |  +----------------------+	=
	+----------------------+  |    Unix Sys V/286    |	=
			          |AT&T/Intel/Interactive|	=
				  |        1985          |	=
				  +----------------------+	=
                                     =      =			=
[4]==================================+      =			=
                                            =			=
	        		    +---------------+		=
	        		    |     VM/IX     |		=
	        		    |IBM/Interactive|		=
	                            |      1984     |		=
				    +---------------+		=
                                            =			=
                                            =   +===============+
                                            =   =
	        		    +---------------+		 +-------+
	        		    |     PC/IX     |		 |  Onix |
	        		    |IBM/Interactive|		 |  Onyx |
	                            |      1984     |		 |  1981 |
				    +---------------+            +-------+
                                       =     	       	           =   =
                                       =    +======================+   =
                                       =    =          		       =
	  +----------------+        +-----------+		       =
	  |Serix (Series/1)|        |   IS/3    |		       =
	  |      CMI       |        |Interactive|		       =
	  |     1982       |        |   1982    |		       =
          +----------------+        +-----------+		       =
                  =                   =     =			       =
[3]===============+===================+     =			       =
                                            =			       =
                                    +-----------+		       =
	        		    |   IS/1    |		       =
	        		    |Interactive|		       =
	                            |   1977    |		       =
				    +-----------+ [2]		       =
                                            =	   =      	       =
        =                                   =        =	 =	   =
        =          [5]   +==================+   +-----+ +-------+ +-----+
        =           =    =		        | Zeus| |UniPlus| |Unity|
        =        +---------+		        |Zilog|	|Unisoft| | HCR |
        =        |Unix PWB |		        | 1979|	|  1980 | |1981 |
[1]=====+========|Bell Labs|			+-----+	+-------+ +-----+
                 |  1977   |


        ?10th Edition?
        ?internal use?
        ?  Bell Labs ?
        ?   1989?    ?
	|9th Edition |
        |internal use|
	| Bell Labs  |
	|            |
	|8th Edition |
        |internal use|
	| Bell Labs  |
	|            |

Most of this was stolen from a poster that I found in a magazine.
Errors are imminent.

Pax, Keith

ag at elgar.CTS.COM         Keith Gabryelski          ...!{ucsd, crash}!elgar!ag

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