VI/NROFF symbolics question

Aldrin Leung leung at imspw6.UUCP
Thu Jan 26 06:03:50 AEST 1989

>From article <108 at mdiva1.uucp>, by fontana at mdiva1.uucp:
> I am a IBM SCRIPT and GGML user.  I need to know how to
> do a symbolic reference in VI and NROFF. (i.e. I want to
> be able to define a table of symbolic strings and their
> expanded names or string.  Then I want to only type the
> symbolics in the text and have the system input the expanded
> names when I run off the text.)
> Any helpful hints would be appreciated.

You can use have

	.ds sq <the string you want> 

in the beginning of the document and reference sq in your document by

Aldrin W. Leung
IMS, Inc.
Aldrin W. Leung
Integrated Microcomputer System, Inc.
leung%imspw6 at

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