Access to UNIX User Groups (diffs since last posting)

jsq at jsq at
Fri Jan 20 16:07:25 AEST 1989

*** groups.November	Thu Jan 19 23:55:43 1989
--- groups.January	Thu Jan 19 23:55:57 1989
*** 24,33 ****
  a low-budget operation:  I publish what I have on hand when the time
  comes (approximately monthly).
! Changes since last posting:
! EUUG 1992.  UKUUG.  i2u address,
  Access information is given in this article for the following:
  user groups:	USENIX, /usr/group, UNIX Expo, /usr/group/cdn,
--- 24,31 ----
  a low-budget operation:  I publish what I have on hand when the time
  comes (approximately monthly).
! Changes since last posting: Hungarian address. Exact JUS dates for 1989.
! AMIX events.  ICX89.  New OSF address.
  Access information is given in this article for the following:
  user groups:	USENIX, /usr/group, UNIX Expo, /usr/group/cdn,
*** 34,40 ****
  		EUUG, AFUU, UKUUG, /usr/group/uk, GUUG, i2u,
  		DECUS UNIX SIG, Sun User Group (SUG),
  		Apollo DOMAIN Users' Society (ADUS),
  		AT&T and Sun V.4 Software Developer Conferences,
--- 32,38 ----
  		EUUG, AFUU, UKUUG, /usr/group/uk, GUUG, i2u,
  		DECUS UNIX SIG, Sun User Group (SUG),
  		Apollo DOMAIN Users' Society (ADUS),
  		AT&T and Sun V.4 Software Developer Conferences,
*** 72,84 ****
  They also sponsor workshops, such as
! 1988 Nov 17-18	Large Install.	Syst. Adm. W II, USENIX, Monterey, CA
! 1989 Apr 3-4	Software Management W	USENIX, Hilton, New Orleans, LA
! 1989 Oct 5-6	Dist. Systems W	USENIX, Marriott Marina, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
! 1989 Nov/Dec	Graphics W V	USENIX
  Proceedings for all conferences and workshops are available at
! the door and by mail later.
  USENIX publishes ``;login:  The USENIX Association Newsletter''
  bimonthly.  It is sent free of charge to all their members and
--- 70,83 ----
  They also sponsor workshops, such as
! 1989 Apr 3-4	Software Management Workshop	Hilton, New Orleans, LA
! 1989 Oct 5-6	Dist. Systems Workshop	Marriott Marina, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
! 1989 Oct	Large Systems Installation Workshop, Colorado Springs, CO
! 1989 Nov/Dec	Graphics Workshop V
  Proceedings for all conferences and workshops are available at
! the door and by mail later.  Some of the older ones have been
! out of print, but reprints are being planned.
  USENIX publishes ``;login:  The USENIX Association Newsletter''
  bimonthly.  It is sent free of charge to all their members and
*** 226,236 ****
  1990 Apr 23-27	EUUG	Munich, Germany (tentative)
  1990 Autumn	EUUG	south of France
  1991 Spring	EUUG	Tromso?, Norway (tentative)
! 1992 Spring	EUUG	Jersey (U.K.) (tentative)
  1992 Autumn	EUUG	Amsterdam, Netherlands (tentative)
! AFUU is the Association Fran\*,caise des Utilisateurs d'UNIX,
  or French UNIX Users' Group.  They are holding a small convention
  in November and a large one in the spring with tutorials and a
  vendor exhibit.
--- 225,235 ----
  1990 Apr 23-27	EUUG	Munich, Germany (tentative)
  1990 Autumn	EUUG	south of France
  1991 Spring	EUUG	Tromso?, Norway (tentative)
! 1992 Spring	EUUG	Jersey, U.K. (tentative)
  1992 Autumn	EUUG	Amsterdam, Netherlands (tentative)
! AFUU is the Association Franc\*,aise des Utilisateurs d'UNIX,
  or French UNIX Users' Group.  They are holding a small convention
  in November and a large one in the spring with tutorials and a
  vendor exhibit.
*** 242,248 ****
  		Telex: 263 887 F
- 1988 Nov 18	AFUU	Grenoble, France
  1989 Feb 28-Mar 3	U Convention	AFUU, Paris, France
  UKUUG is the United Kingdom Unix systems Users' Group.
--- 241,246 ----
*** 338,344 ****
  		julf at
! 		?
--- 336,348 ----
  		julf at
! 		Dr El\o'o^'d Knuth
! 		Computer and Automation Institute
! 		Hungarian Academy of Sciences
! 		P.O. Box 63
! 		H-1502 Budapest 112
! 		Hungary
! 		+36 1 665 435
*** 450,462 ****
  		Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102
- 1988 Nov 10-11	JUS UNIX Symposium	Osaka, Japan
  1988 Dec 7-8	JUS UNIX FAIR '88	Tokyo, Japan
! 1989 Jul	JUS 13th Symposium	Tokyo
! 1989 Nov	JUS 14th Symposium	Osaka (or Kobe)
! 1989 Dec	JUS UNIX Fair '89	Tokyo
  The Korean UNIX User Group (KUUG) has a software distribution service
  and a newsletter.  They hold an annual Korean UNIX Symposium in the winter.
--- 454,464 ----
  		Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102
  1988 Dec 7-8	JUS UNIX FAIR '88	Tokyo, Japan
! 1989 Jul 10-12	13th JUS UNIX S	Tokyo
! 1989 Nov 9-10	14th JUS UNIX S	Osaka
! 1989 Dec 5-6	UNIX Fair '89	JUS, Tokyo
  The Korean UNIX User Group (KUUG) has a software distribution service
  and a newsletter.  They hold an annual Korean UNIX Symposium in the winter.
*** 499,508 ****
  AMIX - the Israeli UNIX user group, is a S.I.G. of the Israeli Processing
! Association (IPA).  AMIX has a yearly conference:
! 1989 May 14-16	AMIX	Israel
  		AMIX, c/o IPA
  		P.O. Box 919
--- 501,520 ----
  AMIX - the Israeli UNIX user group, is a S.I.G. of the Israeli Processing
! Association (IPA).  AMIX has a yearly conference and other activities:
! 1989 January 25	One day tutorial on "UNIX Interfaces",
! 	given by Dr. M. Bach and Dr. J. Issacson, at Kfar Hamacabia, Israel.
+ 1989 January 26	One day workshop on "Graphical User Interfaces",
+ 	talks on DEC XUI, HP NewWave, Apollo OpenDialogue, Sun/ATT OpenLook,
+ 	and SCO Xenix Multiview), also at Kfar Hamacabia, Israel.
+ 1989 May 14-16	4th AMIX conference.  Theme - "UNIX in Israel - Research,
+ 	Development and Implementation".  A balanced mixture of
+ 	technical sessions and tutorials is planned.
+ 	Also at Kfar Hamacabia, Israel.
  		AMIX, c/o IPA
  		P.O. Box 919
*** 513,518 ****
--- 525,573 ----
  		amix at
+ ICX89 is the First International Conference on Advanced Computing,
+ and is being organised by the IEEE Student Branch and the Department
+ of Electronics of the Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria (USM).
+ ``This first conference will be devoted to the UNIX operating
+ system and related topics.  This subject was chosen to establish
+ the universal character of this event, as UNIX is now considered.''
+ There will be a plenary, technical sessions, tutorials, and vendor
+ and book exhibitions.  Official languages will be English and Spanish,
+ with simultaneous translation.
+ Submissions of tecnical papers or abstracts should be by three
+ paper copies or by electronic mail by 15 January 1989.  Preliminary
+ notification of acceptance will be by February 15th, 1989.
+ Final versions of the papers should be written according  to
+ the IEEE transaction format, and are are due by April 14th, 1989.
+ Final official notification will be sent by May 15th, 1989.
+ 1989 Jun 19-23	ICX89	IEEE, USM, Valparaiso, Chile
+ Submissions:
+ 		Prof. Leopoldo Silva B.
+ 		Department of Electronics
+ 		lsb at
+ 		uunet!uchdcc!usmcsd!lsb
+ Other correspondence:
+ 		ICX89
+ 		Organizing Committee
+ 		icx89 at
+ 		uunet!uchdcc!usmcsd!icx89
+ 		+56-32-66-0176 AX 359
+                 Telex: 330622 UTFSM CX
+                 Fax: 056 32 660176 147
+ 		Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria
+ 		P.O. Box 110-V
+ 		Valparaiso
+ 		Chile
  There are similar groups in other parts of the world.  If such a group
  wishes to be included in later versions of this access list, they
  should please send me information.
*** 558,564 ****
  Their next annual conference is:
! 1988 Dec 5-7	SUG	Fontainebleau Hilton, Miami Beach, Florida
  ADUS is the Apollo DOMAIN Users' Society:
--- 613,619 ----
  Their next annual conference is:
! 1989 Dec	SUG	?
  ADUS is the Apollo DOMAIN Users' Society:
*** 572,578 ****
! AT&T and Sun Microsystems are holding a series of
  Software Developer Conferences on System V Release 4.0,
  related to the Sun/AT&T Applications Binary Interface (ABI).
--- 627,633 ----
! AT&T and Sun Microsystems have held a series of
  Software Developer Conferences on System V Release 4.0,
  related to the Sun/AT&T Applications Binary Interface (ABI).
*** 585,598 ****
  1988 Dec 6-8	V.4 Soft. Dev.	San Francisco, CA
  1988 Dec 13-15	V.4 Soft. Dev.	Washington D.C.
- If you would like to register, please call 1-800-247-1212, extension 151.
  For more information:
  	Melinda L. Marrs
! 	1-800-387-6100.
  	melinda at Sun.COM
  	Conference Coordinator
  	Sun Microsystems, Inc. 
  The Open Software Foundation (OSF) is a vendor group formed 17 May 1988
--- 640,654 ----
  1988 Dec 6-8	V.4 Soft. Dev.	San Francisco, CA
  1988 Dec 13-15	V.4 Soft. Dev.	Washington D.C.
  For more information:
  	Melinda L. Marrs
! 	1-800-387-6100
  	melinda at Sun.COM
  	Conference Coordinator
  	Sun Microsystems, Inc. 
+ 	Garcia St.
+ 	Mountain View, CA
+ 	U.S.A.
  The Open Software Foundation (OSF) is a vendor group formed 17 May 1988
*** 618,633 ****
  For more information, contact:
! 	Deborah Siegel
! 	Cohn & Wolfe
! 	+1-212-951-8300
! or
! 	+1-508-683-6803
  	Larry Lytle or Gary McCormack
  	Open Software Foundation
! 	20 Ballard Way
! 	Lawrence, MA 01843
--- 674,684 ----
  For more information, contact:
! 	+1-617-621-8700
  	Larry Lytle or Gary McCormack
  	Open Software Foundation
! 	11 Cambridge Center
! 	Cambridge, MA 02139
! 	U.S.A.

Volume-Number: Volume 16, Number 7

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